Sales Management

Sales Management


The project involves the creation of a Sales Management System using the Laravel framework. This system is designed to manage various aspects of sales, including accounts, clients, products, sites, users, bills, companies, drivers, payments, and transactions. Here’s an overview of each model and its functionality:
2018-09-01 - 2019-09-08
  • Laravel
  • PhpStorm
  • Mysql

Technical Specifications Document

1. Overview

The Sales Management System is built to streamline and manage the sales operations of an organization. The system handles the tracking of financial accounts, client details, products, sites, billing, payments, and transactions efficiently.

2. System Requirements

Server Requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.3
  • Composer
  • Laravel Framework
  • MySQL Database

Client Requirements:

  • Modern Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge)
  • Internet Connection

3. Features

Accounts Management:

  • Create and manage financial accounts.
  • Track benefits, budgets, and capital.

Client Management:

  • Store and manage client information.
  • Link clients to their respective companies and bills.
  • Calculate client debts and total purchases.

Product Management:

  • Manage product inventory with details such as code, description, and pricing.
  • Associate products with specific sites.

Site Management:

  • Manage multiple sites with details like address, budget, and product inventory.
  • Link sites to products and bills.

User Management:

  • Handle user authentication and verification.
  • Secure sensitive user information like passwords.

Billing and Payments:

  • Generate and manage bills with detailed client and product information.
  • Track payments and outstanding debts.
  • Generate unique billing codes and calculate total benefits.

Company Management:

  • Store comprehensive company information.
  • Track company-related bills and client associations.
  • Calculate total company debts and purchases.

Driver Management:

  • Manage driver details and link them to specific bills.

Transaction Management:

  • Record financial transactions with details on sources and destinations.
  • Track transaction history with timestamps.

4. Data Models

  • Account: id, name, benefit, budget, capital, created_at, updated_at
  • Client: id, name, address, company_id, tel, willaya, created_at, updated_at
  • Product: id, name, code, price, sell_price, description, site_id, created_at, updated_at
  • Site: id, name, code, address, budget, description, created_at, updated_at
  • User: id, name, email, password, verified, created_at, updated_at
  • Bill: id, code, num, site_id, product_id, quantity, date, client_id, company_id, driver_id, total_price, created_at, updated_at
  • Company: id, name, address, nif, rcn, tin, willaya, created_at, updated_at
  • Driver: id, name, car_model, car_num, licence_num, phone, created_at, updated_at
  • Payment: id, bill_id, paid, note, created_at, updated_at
  • Transaction: id, source, source_before, source_after, destination, destination_before, destination_after, amount, description, date, created_at, updated_at

Features and Benefits

For Non-Technical Users:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate interface ensures quick adoption and efficient use by all employees.
  • Comprehensive Client Management: Store and access all client information in one place, improving client relationship management.
  • Accurate Billing and Payments: Generate bills quickly, track payments, and manage outstanding debts effortlessly.

For Technical Users:

  • Robust Framework: Built using Laravel, ensuring high performance, security, and scalability.
  • Detailed Data Models: Comprehensive models for accounts, clients, products, sites, users, bills, companies, drivers, payments, and transactions.
  • APIs and Integrations: Easily extend the system or integrate with other applications using Laravel’s powerful features.

Case Study: ABC Distribution Company

Background: ABC Distribution Company, a mid-sized enterprise, faced challenges in managing its growing client base and complex billing processes. Manual tracking led to frequent errors, delayed payments, and lost revenue opportunities.

Implementation: ABC Distribution implemented Fortera’s Sales Management System. The deployment included migrating existing data into the new system and training staff on its usage.


  • Efficiency Improvement: Reduced time spent on managing bills and payments by 50%.
  • Accuracy Enhancement: Eliminated billing errors, ensuring accurate financial records.
  • Revenue Growth: Improved tracking and management of client debts led to a 20% increase in revenue.


This is the best solution for small distribution businesses seeking to enhance their sales operations. By integrating all aspects of sales management into a single, robust platform, businesses can improve efficiency, accuracy, and profitability. Whether you’re a non-technical user seeking simplicity or a technical expert looking for a powerful system, 



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Sidi Bel Abbess



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