
- Laravel
- Graphql
- Vuejs
- Photoshop
- PhpStorm
- Pusher
- Android
WiTec is a young web and mobile development company. It aims to help businesses in their work by providing innovative solutions to long and persisting problems using modern technologies and new opportunities. We aim to impact society and take a step forward to a better future by raising awareness and providing ways to make the change we wish to see in our world.
The problem
People spend approximately 6 months of their lives waiting in line, and not too many of them have the luxury of time. We see old and ill people waiting for hours at a doctor's office or in a hospital for a visit. Sometimes people have to leave work to get to the bank or the post-office and wait in a long queue to get money. Ladies sometimes leave their children with neighbors just to wait in a queue somewhere.
The solution
The problem we are trying to solve is to reduce the long wait hours. Thus, we are
presenting Skipex which is a mobile app and a web platform businesses can integrate in their workflow to manage appointments and clients queues, besides providing options to minimize the wait time in online and real-time queue management where clients can monitor the queue status from their phone anywhere and only come when it is their turn. Also, the option to reserve a turn from their phones and make appointments with service providers.
Our Target market is businesses like doctors, clinics, dentists, banks, service providers like mobile networks and any business that can take the benefit of the queue management system. Our audience is everyone, including the average person and anyone in need of our app, to reserve a turn in a queue and/or monitor his/her turn remotely and skip the queue.
our platform is the first queuing and appointment system online in Algeria
Some of our strengths
- Cloud-based system: no setup time, get started right away after Registration
- Available everywhere: manage your business wherever you are, use any device, anytime you can access your data
- Helping businesses: increase the level of satisfaction of there customers and get more customers with us
Virtual Queue
Real-time queue management, the best and most convenient way for the businesses and their customers.

- Real-time queue status data
- Know exactly where the queue is, how many left how many is already served
- Creation of tickets on the fly from the administrator side, from a tablet or a ticket machine or let customers book tickets online without even moving
- Serve multiple customers at the same time using multiple offices or
- rooms and more options…
Appointments online
Let clients book appointments with companies on availability from their smartphone

- Create appointments and modify them on the fly
- Easy to use and intuitive interface to manage appointments
- Drag and drop to change time or date according to customer request or business needs and availability
- inform the client of any appointment changes in real time
- color coding of appointments either by service or by urgency or Others…
Customer management
manage customers. their history with your business, their visits and keep reports and customer details

- Save reports on every visit whether from the appointments and the queue
- Choose what to share from these reports with your customers and give instructions even after the visit is over
- Upload documents and save them and receive documents from your clients (blood tests, reports, medicines .....)
- Keep a complete history of customer visits so the next time customers come, you'll know exactly what their condition is and you'll be prepared
Online presence
Internet presence is essential today, and it is the best way to get new customers and stay in touch with existing customers.

- Let customers find businesses through geolocation data.
- Get customer feedback.
- Boost customer satisfaction.
- An effective way to manage customers.
Never lose customers.
when customers find the queue is too long, they will just leave because everyone's time is valuable, but with our system, when customers know they can wait in line and can do what they want while waiting the queue at the same time, companies will have more customers and all will be happy, and remember that a happy customer is a loyal customer
We made our team from a young innovative and motivated group of engineers who share a similar vision of the project and can feel the impact it will have on the society.
- Mohamed Slimani–CoFounder/CEO – [email protected] – Project Lead
- Sarah Hachelafi–CoFounder/Web developer – [email protected] – Project manager
- Mohamed Amin Yousfat-Sales manager
- Reach all medical clinics/ doctors / dentists in Algiers by the end of September.
- Reach 1K users by the end of the year.
- Reach 1K followers on social media by the end of the year.
- Reach at least one major business by the end of the year.
- Make a partnership with mobile providers / a bank by the end of the year.
- cover the 1st Wilaya of Algiers by the end of the year.
- Phase 1 - Basic marketing - launching the platform and the app in the first Wilaya of Algiers and targeting mostly the medical clinics, private doctors, and dentists.
- Phase 2 - open up the platform for more business and service providers and start in the big Wilayas such as ORAN, .... Q1 of 2023.
- Phase 3 - make the app available to every business type in Q2 of 2023.
- Phase 4 - starts internationally in Q4 of 2023.
Site map

Click here to see the full image
Content types
- Business information: name, type, category, availability
- Location
- Work hours
- Services
- Basic information: name, phone, email, (optional: age, gender)
- Location
Queue info:
- Current queue status (client turn and how many before him)
- Time estimation
- Request or get a queue ticket remotely
- Feedback
- Request appointment (client)
- Appointment organization (business)
- Feedback
- Task status
- Task done notifications
Page templates
Client app/Website:
- Home
- Search
- Map
- Business information page
- Appointment request
- Appointment status
- Queue status
- Task status
- History
- Profile
- Feedback
Business Platform:
- Dashboard
- Queue management
- Appointment management
- Task management
- Client management
- TV monitor
- Ticket Tablette
- Branches
- Desks (room, classes, ...)
- Services
- Work hours
- Users
- Settings
- Billing
- History
- Client feedback
- Online payment gateways
- Map app for geolocalisation
- Tv monitor for indoor queue monitor
- Ticket tablet with printing and email or SMS notification
- Real-time socket connection for the mobile app to continue monitoring the queue
- SSL–is required for security
- Multilingual capabilities
- User roles and capabilities–Admin, manager, agent, client
- Users can have different permissions.
- Analytics and tracking
- Search option by location or by the business with specific filters like work hours, rating, and others
- Front-end backend approach using API to get the best performance for a smooth user experience
- Offline functionality like history and visited businesses
We are using Vuejs 3 for the front end and it’s supported by all the major browsers and platforms

Cloud-based using multiple hosting providers
google cloud
Amazon AWS
Requirements for Backend
- PHP version 8.0 or greater.
- MySQL version 8.0 or greater.
- HTTPS support
- Cron job support
- Terminal access
- Git support
- Email support
Requirements for frontend
- HTTPS support
- Git support
- Terminal access
Amazon AWS
- S3 bucket
Google cloud
- Maps API
- Location API
- Analytics
- Text to Speech API
- Authentication
- RealTime Database
- Push Notification
our team will work on maintaining the website and updating it and adding more functionality with time, plus we'll use our clients/business feedback to improve the platform and the app and will also use the analytics to enhance the user experience and make the platform better with time
Business Portal:
- Dashboard 70%
- Analytics 30%
- Queue management 95%
- Appointment management 95%
- Client management 95%
- Task management 0%
- Work hours 100%
- Location 100%
- Branches 100%
- Desk 100%
- Users 80%
- Settings 95%
- File management 95%
Client app 80%
- Geolocation 95%
- Business listing 95%
- Appointment booking 100%
- Ticket booking and real time monitoring 100%
- Profile management 100%
- History 100%
Alpha: June 2022
Beta Release: 10 July 2022